Hallo zusammen,
wir freuen uns Euch und Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir unseren nächsten Wurf erwarten.
Unsere Asja-Alja vom Klempauer Hofsee wird ihren dritten Wurf zur Welt bringen.
Infos zu den Eltern:
Asja-Alja Alenicia vom Klempauer Hofsee
Kapitän-Karl-Theodor s Zemel Russkich
Voraussichtlich kommen die kleinen Welpen Ende März zur Welt. Wir werden euch in den kommenden Tagen und Wochen wie gewohnt auf dem Laufenden halten.
Liebe Grüße aus Dänemark
Hi! I got your contact info from Sandra Bollessen, who was not able to sell me a (male) puppy from her latest litter. Feels that I´m a bit late for all litters because the breeder I was going to have a puppy from has had a lot of trouble with their bitches (Svarta Majas in Sweden). I lost my second RBT two years ago and my first puppy at a very young age because of JLPP. It happened to be the first litter with sick puppies born in Finland, it was before we started to test for it.
Now I´m looking for a (male) puppy again – would you be able to sell one to me? I´m a vet (small animal dentist) and live in southern Finland and would like to have a dog companion again for hobby and as a friend. I´ve had several dogs and competed in many dog sports, love hiking in the forests and skiing in the winter and am a true dog lover. We also have a female Finnish Lapphund.
No problem for me to come and pick up the puppy and am able to import a young puppy to Finland from Europe (not through Sweden but directly from Germany to Finland by ferry).
Guess you have many reservations but if you feel it could be possible to sell me a puppy, please let me know!
Best regards,
Maj Häggblom, Porvoo, Finland
tel. +358 50 5174551
Hey Maj Häggblom,
sorry we have been quite busy during the last weeks. The puppies have been born last week. There are currently 2 male and 1 female puppies. One boy and the girl have been reserved yet.
That means that the last boy is still looking for a new home.
If you are still interested in one of our puppies feel free to send me an e-mail (russ-terrier-beidendorf@gmx) for further information.
looking forward hearing from you.
Best reguards